

Open to everyone
with zero monthly fees.

No bookings or appointments are needed. Just tap to connect with a doctor whenever you want to, get the treatment you need and have your prescriptions sent to your favourite pharmacy for pickup or get home delivery.

No insurance needed.

For less than the cost of an average copay, chat privately with a doctor on your schedule. No insurance middlemen. No hidden fees. No red tape. Completely transparent.
Completely hassle-free.


By paying directly, it’s just you and your doctor at your convenience. Nothing in between.


Frequently Asked Questions

Connect with a Well Revolution doctor to get the care you need right away

What does it cost?

How do visits work in Well Revolution?

What can Well Revolution help with?

Do I need to make an appointment?

Do I need to register or create an account?

Where is Well Revolution available?

Can I use Well Revolution for my child?

Is Well Revolution safe?

What's included with my visit?

Can I use my health insurance for my visit?

How do prescriptions work?

What can't Well Revolution help with?

When will I be charged for my visit?

Can I get a certificate for time off work?

Who can use Well Revolution?

Who are the providers on Well Revolution?