Care Locations

The program

Check icon - Well Revolution online doctors and prescriptions
For independent pharmacies
Check icon - Well Revolution online doctors and prescriptions
For private medical practices
Check icon - Well Revolution online doctors and prescriptions
Available in all 50 states + D.C.

Well Revolution’s Care Location Program is designed for independent community pharmacies and private medical practices across the United States.

Every Care Location provides access to primary care, specialists, online doctors, and pharmacy services.

Join our Care Location Program today! Get more business, marketing help, and direct support from Well Revolution doctors.

Well Revolution Care Locations available in all 50 US states

Frequently Asked Questions

for all Care Locations

What does it cost to become a Care Location?

Nothing. No payments are involved between Well Revolution and Care Locations as part of this program.

Where is Well Revolution available?

Well Revolution is available in all 50 states, plus Washington D.C.

Do patients need to make appointments?

No appointment is needed with Well Revolution. Patients can start a private chat from your Care Location page at any time.

Do patients need to register or create an account on Well Revolution?

No. Registration is not currently required, but certain information is needed for a patient's consultation with the doctor. See our privacy policy for what information we collect and how it is used.

Can my patients use Well Revolution for their children?

Well Revolution is available for use by children, but the consultation for all people under the age of 18 must be performed by the person’s parent or legal guardian.

Who can use Well Revolution?

Well Revolution is open to everyone in the United States who are 18 years or older. There are no monthly fees. Pay only after a consult with the provider.

Who are the providers on Well Revolution?

All Well Revolution providers are qualified and licensed MDs, DOs, and PA-Cs. They can help with many common medical conditions. Use a Well Revolution provider if you don’t have a primary care provider, can’t get to one or when yours isn’t available.

See some of our featured doctors here >

Who provides support for my patients?

Well Revolution's care team provides priority patient support 7 days per week to help all patients using Well Revolution from your Care Location.

How do I apply?

Press the "Become a Care Location" button in the bottom-right of this page to chat with our priority service team.

What medications do Well Revolution doctors prescribe?

Well Revolution prescribe many of the common primary care medications.

We do not prescribe restricted medications, controlled drugs, or opiates.

Head to What We Treat to learn more >

Who is the Care Location program for?

Well Revolution’s Care Location Program is for independent community pharmacies and private medical practices across the United States.

How do my patients access Well Revolution?

Patient's scan your unique QR code from their phone at your location. They are taken to your Care Location page where they can chat privately and securely with Well Revolution doctors.

How do consultations work on Well Revolution?

Patients start a private and secure chat with Well Revolution doctors directly on your Care Location page. They can send text, voice and video messages, share images, videos and documents, and have voice and video calls with the doctor all from inside the chat.

What can Well Revolution help my patients with?

Well Revolution providers can help with a wide range of conditions, medical advice, treatments, prescriptions and more.

Head to What We Treat to learn more >

What can't Well Revolution help with?

– Restricted medications, controlled drugs, opiates
– Insurance
– Immunisations and covid tests
– Lab and radiology requests
– Referrals

* In some cases, a Well Revolution doctor may recommend alternative care options or refer patients for an in-person visit.

What does it cost patients to use Well Revolution?

Well Revolution doctors charge a flat-rate fee at the end of every consultation. Payments are made with debit or credit card.

When a consultation starts, a pre-authorization for the consult fee is made against their payment card.

When the consultation is completed, the doctor will close the chat and the payment card will be billed for the cost of the consultation.

If a consultation is not provided, the payment card is not charged.

See our current pricing for more information >