Care Location Program Terms

Effective Day 1 July 2024

Thank you for participating in the Well Revolution Care Location Program (“Program”).

These Care Location Program Terms (“Agreement”) constitute an agreement between you (“you”, “your” or “Participant”) and Well Revolution Limited (“Well Revolution”, “Company”, “we”, “us”, or “our”).

Company owns and operates the websites located at and other related websites and mobile applications with links to these Terms (collectively, the “Site”). We offer online services enabling our members (“Members”) to report their health history and engage healthcare professionals (“Providers”) and engage with physical sites (“Care Locations”) to order health products (“Products”) and to obtain medical, healthcare, wellness, and pharmacy services (collectively “Services”).

You are an independent provider of healthcare Services and operate from a physical address where you are available to meet Members during the hours stated in your Care Location listing.

Participation in the Program is subject to these terms. By participating, you agree to the terms outlined herein and any additional terms and policies that appear on the Site. Continued participation constitutes ongoing acceptance of these terms.

Program Description

Care Locations
Care Locations are physical sites where Members can receive Services facilitated by Well Revolution. Authorized Care Locations are listed on the Care Locations page.

Service Options
To facilitate mutual Service reach and convenience for Members and patients:

  • Well Revolution Services for Members: Well Revolution will make Participant available as a Service option to Members, allowing Members to utilize Services provided by Participant.
  • Participant Services for Patients: Participant will make Well Revolution available as a Service option for its patients, enabling patients to access Well Revolution's Services and Providers.

Your agreement to these terms authorizes Participant as a Well Revolution Care Location and includes a Care Location listing on the Site.

Operational Terms

Well Revolution does not dictate, influence or interfere with the medical or pharmacy practices of Participant. Participant retains full control over their professional and operational decisions.

Both parties agree to provide services to all patients without discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, or any other protected characteristic.

Data Privacy
No data sharing will occur between Well Revolution and Participant. Each party is responsible for maintaining the privacy and security of its patient information in compliance with HIPAA and other applicable privacy regulations. 

Financial and Legal Terms

No Financial Relationship
No payments, financial incentives, inducements, or kickbacks are exchanged between Well Revolution and Participant as part of this Program to prevent financial considerations from inappropriately influencing medical decision-making and to protect Member and patient interests.

Either party may terminate participation in the Program at any time, for any reason, with written notice. Termination will take effect immediately upon receipt of such notice.

No Agency
No joint venture, partnership, or agency relationship exists between Well Revolution and Participant.

Promotion and Intellectual Property

Location Usage
Well Revolution is authorized to use Participant’s physical address in directory listings and promotional materials to designate Participant as an Authorized Care Location.

IP Rights
Participant grants Well Revolution a nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to use Participant’s logos, images, trademarks, and copyright for the purpose of promoting Participant and the Care Location Program. This license extends to all media formats and channels used by Well Revolution.

Well Revolution grants Participant a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use Well Revolution’s logos, images, trademarks, and copyrighted materials, limited to materials provided by Well Revolution, for promoting the Care Location Program at Participant’s location.

Both licenses are effective as long as Participant is part of the Care Location Program.


These Terms and your participation in the Program shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA, without regard to conflict of laws principles.

Any dispute arising under these Terms will be resolved exclusively by the New York courts, except for claims related to intellectual property or injunctive relief, which may be brought in any competent jurisdiction. The parties consent to the jurisdiction and venue of New York courts.

By agreeing to these Terms through any form of affirmative action, such as checking an “agree” box or responding affirmatively via email, you provide a legal signature.

No waiver by the Company of any term shall be considered a further or continuing waiver, and any failure to assert a right does not constitute a waiver. If any provision is deemed invalid or unenforceable, it will be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary, and the remaining provisions will continue in effect.