Care Location
(Pending Verification)

Beverly Hills Medical Plaza Pharmacy


Beverly Hills Medical Plaza Pharmacy

Beverly Hills Medical Plaza Pharmacy is a family owned and operated community pharmacy, operating in Beverly Hills since 1992



Open hours icon

Monday to Friday 9 am - 6 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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Beverly Hills Medical Plaza Pharmacy (BHMPP) is a family owned and operated community pharmacy. Established in 1992, we saw the need for a location that would provide general pharmaceutical services with individualized and personal care for both patients and practitioners. As one of the first pharmacies in the area to specialize in HIV/AIDS medications and care, we pride ourselves on understanding the needs and concerns of our patients while ensuring complete patient confidentiality.

We are located in the same building as Pacific Oaks Medical Group and Robertson Diagnostic Center, making it quick and easy for you to get your prescriptions filled. Most prescriptions are ready within 5-10 minutes, and we accept and actively search for manufacturers coupons to minimize medication costs for all of our patients. We offer convenient delivery or shipment to your home or office, and nationwide shipment of medications by express overnight delivery.

Featured services

Medication Synchronization
Flu Shots
Prescription Refills
Home Delivery Services
HIV PrEP and PEP Dispensing
Multi-specialty healthcare icon
Doctors available
Care Team available at

Languages spoken


Special features

  • HIV/AIDS medications and care
  • Delivery
  • Wheelchair-accessible

Location information

Well Revolution Authorized Care Location badge.

Beverly Hills Medical Plaza Pharmacy is a verified and authorized Well Revolution Care Location in Beverly Hills, CA.

Last updated: Jul 23, 2024

Beverly Hills Medical Plaza Pharmacy is not a verified Well Revolution Care Location in Beverly Hills, CA.

This Care Location was created to provide Well Revolution patients with an independent option for services in Beverly Hills and a summary of services reported online as available at Beverly Hills Medical Plaza Pharmacy.

While we do our best to update this page regularly, some information may be out of date.

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Last updated: Jul 23, 2024